Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yeah, yeah, yeah...

To steal a line from Mike Bianchi, Sports Columnist for the Orlando Sentinel...

"Running off at the keyboard..."

Well, I figured since about 4 people have given me crap about not blogging, figured I would type something... Although I could type for hours on end about my son, I just can't, because I am so opinionated on 14 million other issues, but I will start with Patrick.

Patrick is wonderful, so happy and so much fun (I have been told "wait till he is mobile")... The ladies at daycare love him, a 3 year-old child has to see him everyday when she is being picked up, that's right, my kid hunts cougars... He is the second oldest kid in the baby room, REALLY!?!?!?! He even wakes up happy!! I hate dropping him off at daycare each day, but coming home to his smiling (or sleeping) face is the highlight of my day. I can get beaten up, drug across the coals, etc... for the entire day and it all goes away when I see him. I will admit I drank the kool-aid a lot quicker than Wendy did, but she is a terrific mother and the best wife a man could ask for. She is also the most structured, but you all knew that... No teeth yet, but he drools at least 10 gallons a day, so they are well on their way.

Two-year wedding anniversary was yesterday. Spent the day in Tampa at a class, drove home, ate dinner with Wendy, played with Patrick. It really doesn't get any better. Oh yeah, shot 4 rounds under 60 on Tiger Woods Golf, I can't shoot under 60 on the front-9 in real golf!

I must admit that I read my cousin's blog (she has an 8-month old) posting after my mother reminded me for the 83rd time, and I must give a pat on the back to the breastfeeding moms out there, my wife included. I don't know how they pull this off, they are truly marvelous people making a personal sacrifice to the health and lives of their children. The fact that Wendy sits in a 5' x 5' closet infested with God only knows what three times a day to pump is a testament to the fabulous woman that married me two years ago yesterday (still don't know what she was thinking). I have an employee that has a 9-month old, and I always make sure she has a suite to go and pump in (unfortunately, the hotel isn't sold out much lately). mainly because I refuse to let her go into a closet. Also, have to agree that it is so much easier to have people come and visit your newborn than packing him up for a trip somewhere, even if it is just across town. Lots of good points in that blog...

While I am singing the praises of my wife... She went to church without me on Sunday. That's right, I had to work, so she packed up the kid and took care of business. Oh, the nursery ladies love him too... How did this kid come from me? He MUST get this happiness from his Mom, because I was never regarded as the most pleasant kid.

Work is work, I am guilty of working too much, been the case since Eckerd's in High School. Tired of the e-mails and people saying that we're "lucky" to have a job. I don't think it is luck, it is hard work and doing whatever it takes to get the job done. It is working your ass off, 12, 14, or sometimes 16 hours in a day to get the job done (or literally, I am down 17 pounds since I became a GM). The point: strive to be above average in everything you do and everything will work out for the best. My word, do I sound like someone who shall remain nameless...

Next, Politics... They ALL suck right now. I am ashamed of my Republican Party and what it has become, we let some diva Governor who belongs on Jerry Springer with the father of her grandchild become the face of our party? Sarah Palin is NO visionary like Ronald Reagan, and she will never be taken seriously, plus she is too controversial. When will the Republicans be the voice of fiscal restraint again, and who can carry that voice to derail the Obama "Spend like there is no tomorrow" Express?

What the heck are we thinking giving the Octomom $250 per kid per day for a reality show. If you watch this garbage you deserve to have your eyes poked out. People like this and the Jon and Kate people whoring out their kids is sickening to me. No family comes out of these situations well, look at Jon, Kate, and Hulk Hogan's family. Those 22 kids (14 for octomom and 8 for Jon, Kate, and Jon's girlfriend) are going to all be on Jerry Springer one day.

Also - Go Phil Mickelson - having a wife and mother with cancer is something I don't wish on anyone. Win the PGA Championship next month for those two! If you pray for anything, pray for a cure to this nasty, undiscriminating killer.

Alright, I have pontificated on my bully pulpit long enough. This is therapeutic. I managed to type the entire blog without a spelling error.

"I'm Peter Griffin and that's what grinds my gears!"

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