Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Month Old and off to Church

So - Dad can not believe his little man is already 4 weeks old, my how the time flies.  I can tell he is starting to get heavier - I think he is nearing the 10-pound mark, the volume in his diapers has increased, as well as the frequency.  Wendy is still being a trooper - I can not imagine what it would be like to have to latch the kiddo to you every 1.5 to 2 hours.  She is a terrific mom, but I know she is starting to get stir-crazy being at home all the time.  She isn't the stay-at-home mom type - we'll see if I am the stay-at-home Dad type when I take a week in late April after she goes back to work.

Patrick did take his first trip to church today - he was too young to go to the nursery so he had to go to big church.  He made a little noise and Mom had to go feed him, but he didn't scream or do anything that would bring attention to himself.  I have to admit that he looked quite handsome in his little outfit, Easter is 2 weeks away, so he'll really have to dress up for that day...

On an unrelated note, I know Wendy has something cooking for my 30th Birthday in a couple of weeks, kinda scary, apparently I have looked 30+ for the last 10 years, so maybe I will finally look younger than my age...  Yeah right.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Week Old...

Very briefly... It's past my bed time...

Patrick, Mom, and I came home on Saturday. We are all doing well. Mom is quickly regaining strength and Patrick is such a good baby. He is already lifting his head up and only cries when he should (hungry, wet diaper). Wendy is such a good Mom, as if there was any doubt there, she is diligently working to get Patrick on a schedule - no surprises to anyone who knows her well.

Everyone says he looks like his Dad, I guess when I look at mine and Wendy's baby pictures, he does favor me.

Dad went back to work today, it was hard to leave the little guy and Mom behind for the entire day. Thankfully Wendy's parents came to visit, it was the first time that Patrick's namesake (Wendy's Dad) had seen him. Wendy was sending multimedia messages to my BlackBerry today so I could keep track of him. She also put a note from Mr. Handsome in my sandwich container today, I seem to call him that, just because he is, although he peed and pooped on Mom today - he hasn't gotten Dad yet... Maybe it is because I have similar equipment, but I really think he'll get me sooner or later.

I am not working tomorrow - Patrick has to get weighed at his doctor and Wendy has a check-up with her doctor to check her stitches, etc... after her experience one week ago tomorrow.

We received a prayer-gram in the mail today from my grandmother's church in Mississippi (actually two aunts, uncles, and a cousin go there too) after our experience with Patrick's arrival. There is no doubt in my mind that their prayers worked.

On an unrelated note - it is 38 tonight, and it's gonna be 84 by the weekend... Then again it snowed in Georgia the other day. Currently watching Channel 9 News and I think it's great that Stan Van Gundy called Shaq out on his "flop" against Dwight Howard, Magic 111, Suns 99.

Baby just pooped while he was sitting in my lap - nice - gotta go change him... His gas smells worse than mine and the dogs, I am now in 4th place in my own household, losing to a newborn!?!?!?! What the heck. The baby is now swaddled, and going to sleep - time for Dad to do the same (except for the swaddling part).